New homes

11 ways to improve your home's security

Posted January 9th 2023
11 ways to improve your home's security

The shorter, darker days in January or February can make many of us feel down in the mouth.

But there's a certain section of our society that sees winter's long nights as a shameless window of opportunity – burglars!

So, with that in mind and with the mantra of 'it's better to be safe than to be sorry', here are some tips from to shore up your home's security:

  1. Lock your doors and windows every time you leave the house, even when you're just out in the garden, remembering to double-lock UPVC doors (lift handle and turn key).
  2. Hide all keys, including car keys, out of sight and away from the letterbox (crooks often use a device to hook keys through the letterbox).
  3. Install a burglar alarm – it's a great visual deterrent.
  4. Install good outside lighting  – motion triggers work well.
  5. Join your area's Neighbourhood Watch if it has one.
  6. Leave radios or lights in your house on a timer to make the property appear occupied when you're out.
  7. Ensure any gates or fences around your garden are in good condition and not left open.
  8. Keep ladders and tools stored away; don't leave them outside where they could be used to break into your home.
  9. Improve natural surveillance at the front of your property, i.e. trim high hedges
  10. Remove valuables from the view of ground floor windows.
  11. Store high-value items (i.e. jewellery, passports) in a properly secured safe or bank vault.

We hope these tips give you and your family the peace of mind to enjoy the rest of the winter months.