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It is vital landlords are aware of the challenges tenants face, and if possible, landlords should take steps to alleviate some of the issues and concerns tenants face.
The government recently announced that it will make £65m available to support low income households who are in rent arrears, as a result of the pandemic. As a landlord or a tenant, what does this mean for you?
With the COP26 event being hosted by the UK in November 2021, it is no surprise there has been a focus on environmentally friendly options of late. Of course, this has long been a popular topic in the rental market, and it makes sense that many tenants are keen to live in a green home.
As a landlord, it is vital you know what matters to you, and how you can best achieve your aims and goals. However, you also need to know what tenants are looking for from you.
Landlords have many things to consider when letting property, but if you keep tenants happy, you are well on your way to success. At Thomas Morris, we appreciate this is one of the most important things a landlord can do, and we aim to offer landlords support and guidance in this area.
All landlords should be aware of the homeownership dreams held by many tenants. Sometimes letting property features a lot of turnovers, and while it would be great to have tenants who stay for years, this isn’t always the way things pan out.