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5 festive ways to have a greener Christmas this year

Posted December 9th 2023
5 festive ways to have a greener Christmas

The Christmas adverts are now in full swing.

The kids (of all ages) are getting excited.

And it’s the perfect time to think about how we can celebrate in a way that’s kinder to our planet. 

Here are five festive tips for a greener yuletide celebration

1. Make it personal

Before splashing out on new decorations, why not give a new lease of life to the ones you already have? Homemade decorations can also add a personal touch and reduce the environmental impact. 

2. Light up responsibly

Those sparkling lights inside and outside your home are a sight to behold, but they can be energy vampires. Opt for LED lights that use less energy and have a longer life span. 

3. Feast wisely

A Christmas feast is the heart of the holiday, but food waste can be a massive environmental Grinch. Plan your menu carefully, buy local and seasonal produce, and make sure leftovers are used in delicious post-Christmas meals.

4. Sustainable gifting

Consider experiences or donations to favourite charities instead of physical gifts. If you do buy presents, look for eco-friendly and ethical options. A gift that supports the environment or local businesses is a win-win!

5. Oh, Christmas Tree

If you’re getting a real tree, look for one that’s been grown sustainably. 

Keep the holiday spirit alive while being gentle on our planet, and have yourself a merry little green Christmas.