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As a landlord, you know how important it is to comply with regulations. At Thomas Morris, we work hard to ensure landlords are fully informed with the regulations impacting the industry and their business.
There is no denying tenants, like buyers, are looking for homes with more space. The lockdown period earlier in the year has significantly affected how people view their home, and what they consider essential for modern living.
With so much focus on the property market, and the impact of the stamp duty holiday, we appreciate times are challenging for landlords. It might seem as though there is a significant push to move people towards homeownership and away from renting.
The stamp duty holiday has increased focus on the importance of price and saving money. This isn’t a surprise, most people like to save money, no matter what they buy. However, in the housing market, saving money is crucial.
With many people entering the housing market because of the stamp duty holiday, there is a lot of individuals and households asking questions about the processes involved.
It is vital landlords maintain a high standard of safety in their rental property. With the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act, unhappy tenants can take landlords to court.
If you have been encouraged to move home because of the stamp duty holiday, you are not alone. The property market is busy right now, and a lot of people are looking to move soon.
If you have inherited property which you are looking to sell, it is vital you seek assistance from leading professionals. This is a trying time for many people, and we know there are emotional issues to consider when dealing with the home of a loved one.
When it comes to buying property, there is no denying many first-time buyers benefit from assistance. There are Government backed schemes that help people buy, but the Bank of Mum and Dad has long been a way for people to make their first foray into home ownership.
Made a decision to move and now looking to sell quickly? Choose Thomas Morris and get a FREE Rightmove Featured property when you instruct us to sell your property before 30th September 2020
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