New homes

How to prepare for a spring property sale

Posted March 6th 2023
Photographs of someone cleaning their house with the title 'Sell your home this spring'

Spring is just around the corner, which is good news if you’re planning to sell your home.

Traditionally, the property market booms in springtime, with the number of buyers coming to the market surging.

So if you’re selling, you can expect lots of interest in your home – provided you get the basics right.

To impress buyers and achieve a successful sale, follow these tips on preparing your property for listing.

Have a clear-out

Have a ruthless declutter and turf out all the odd bits and bobs gathering dust around your home. Give unwanted items away or sell them and put large pieces of sentimental value into storage.

General spruce up

Smarten up tired-looking rooms with a coat of paint and fix wonky cupboards and wobbly floorboards. Also, ensure the front of your property looks smart.

Go green

A well-tended garden, courtyard or patio area can considerably bump up the value of your home, so if you have outdoor space, make it an eye-catching feature. Remove rubbish and leaves and plant some blooms.

Find an agent

Don’t commit to the first agent you speak to. Do your research and get at least three valuations. Choose an agent who is personable, professional and has a strong online presence (social media really matters when selling property these days). Be wary of unrealistically high valuations – the agent could be talking big just to win your business. 


Buyers are put off by properties with personal items on display, so remove photographs, laundry and letters from view. In the kitchen, ensure all surfaces are clear and clean, and in the bathroom, put all your lotions and potions in the cupboard.

Contact us today for a free property valuation.