New homes

Small ways to refresh your rental property this spring

Posted March 1st 2024
Small ways to refresh your rental property this spring

March is officially here, bringing with it blooming gardens, longer days, and the perfect excuse for some spring cleaning. If you're a landlord reletting your property soon, now is the perfect time to clear out the cobwebs and freshen it up.

Regular maintenance can help keep your letting attractive to renters and ensure you can charge the best possible price for it.

We've put together a list of small things you can do to brighten up your empty rental and make it look even more attractive this spring.

Look at updating your furniture

If you rent out a furnished property, it’s worth checking and potentially upgrading your property’s furniture. Even the highest quality furnishings can become worn down through use and time. Keeping your furniture up to scratch is a good way to make tenants feel comfortable and encourage them to stay long-term.

Repaint any mould-hit walls

Even in the most insulated houses, mould will often creep up during the cold winter months. Successfully tackled mould can still end up leaving stains, and heavy-duty mould spray often tends to strip paint off the wall. Now that winter has passed, it’s worth taking the time to paint over any marks there may be to keep the property looking fresh.

Draught proofing

Though we’re coming out of the winter months, making sure the house is as draught proof as possible is always important, especially in the face of British springtime. For upcoming tenants, any effort to make sure heat stays inside the property is a plus for the property.  

Help the garden bloom

Spring coming up means that gardens will start coming back to life. Small things like planting some flowers, giving the fence a paint or investing in a bit of garden furniture can make a massive difference to how it looks and feels for any potential tenant.

If you've got any questions about rental property maintenance or want any support, please contact our Property Management team.