Why Experienced Estate Agents Are Your Best Bet!

April 9th saw one of the highlights of the UK’s sporting calendar. The Grand National sparks a surge in the amount of money going to bookies (and occasionally being paid out by them), and office sweepstake fever sweeps the nation.
But what can a horse race that dates back to 1839 teach homeowners about selling their biggest tax-free asset?
Below are three tips from us (sorry, we’re useless at giving horse racing advice) on how to sell your home for more, in a timeframe that suits you.
Get the right agent.
In horse racing, there’s a saying, ‘pick the jockey, not the horse’. By backing an estate agent who is experienced, enthusiastic, and has a track record of delivering success, you have much better odds of selling your home successfully.
Avoid cheaper long shots.
It can be tempting to put your faith in a 150-1 long shot. But, they are that price for a reason. Sure, you may get very lucky, but the chances are slim. It’s the same with cheap and not so cheerful estate agents. Selling a property and achieving its price potential takes time and resources. Agents charging low fees have to make cuts, and usually, the level of client care and standard of a property’s marketing takes a hit.
Look at their previous form.
A horse that hasn’t won a race in years is unlikely to suddenly turn into Red Rum (who won the Grand National three times in the 1970s). But, again, an estate agency that doesn’t have a history of achieving the best prices for their clients’ properties can’t be expected to suddenly up its game. Any good estate agent will also be able to give you comparable evidence to back up their valuations and clearly explain to you how your property doesn’t end up as an also ran (that’s horse racing lingo for was also in the race but never came close to winning).
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